Poster showing a soldier with a machine gun in the heat of battle, reaching out for ammunition.Third Federal Reserve District
Color image of a soldier preparing to throw a hand grenade. He wears a helmet and his sleeves are ro...
Poster shows Canadian soldiers, with bayonets drawn, going into battle.Title from item.W.P. no. 8
Poster shows face of a soldier. Poster solicits subscriptions to the 7th Austrian War Loan and gives...
Poster showing soldiers in battle, firing their weapons.Third Federal Reserve District.Title from it...
Title from item.Poster is text, with border of coins.Poster no. 8.W.6086, 20M - 7/15
Poster showing soldiers firing machine guns, with stream of War Savings Stamps forming the cartridge...
Poster showing a soldier about to bayonet a German soldier in a trench.APL.22-1918.Forms part of: Wi...
Poster showing soldiers with bayonets about to charge.W.P. No. 8.Title from item
Poster showing a soldier, with a battle in the background, shaking hands with a worker, with an indu...
Poster shows a German soldier, holding a grenade in one hand and a rifle in the other; in background...
Poster shows a soldier pointing in the air with explosions in the background. Text continues: Well f...
Poster showing soldiers marching, bearing rifles on their shoulders, behind an insignia of the Statu...
Poster showing a military review, with soldiers displaying a German cannon that was captured at the ...
Poster showing hands overflowing with coins, which turn into bullets as they fall, against backgroun...
Poster showing a mature, prosperous man reaching into his pocket as he watches soldiers and artiller...
Color image of a soldier preparing to throw a hand grenade. He wears a helmet and his sleeves are ro...
Poster shows Canadian soldiers, with bayonets drawn, going into battle.Title from item.W.P. no. 8
Poster shows face of a soldier. Poster solicits subscriptions to the 7th Austrian War Loan and gives...
Poster showing soldiers in battle, firing their weapons.Third Federal Reserve District.Title from it...
Title from item.Poster is text, with border of coins.Poster no. 8.W.6086, 20M - 7/15
Poster showing soldiers firing machine guns, with stream of War Savings Stamps forming the cartridge...
Poster showing a soldier about to bayonet a German soldier in a trench.APL.22-1918.Forms part of: Wi...
Poster showing soldiers with bayonets about to charge.W.P. No. 8.Title from item
Poster showing a soldier, with a battle in the background, shaking hands with a worker, with an indu...
Poster shows a German soldier, holding a grenade in one hand and a rifle in the other; in background...
Poster shows a soldier pointing in the air with explosions in the background. Text continues: Well f...
Poster showing soldiers marching, bearing rifles on their shoulders, behind an insignia of the Statu...
Poster showing a military review, with soldiers displaying a German cannon that was captured at the ...
Poster showing hands overflowing with coins, which turn into bullets as they fall, against backgroun...
Poster showing a mature, prosperous man reaching into his pocket as he watches soldiers and artiller...
Color image of a soldier preparing to throw a hand grenade. He wears a helmet and his sleeves are ro...
Poster shows Canadian soldiers, with bayonets drawn, going into battle.Title from item.W.P. no. 8
Poster shows face of a soldier. Poster solicits subscriptions to the 7th Austrian War Loan and gives...